Husein Gradasevic

do air fryers smell up the house

Do Air Fryers Smell Up The House? 3 Reason’s It Can!

Air fryers are among the handiest kitchen appliances that you can get in the market. They’re highly compact, versatile, and work well for preparing delicious and healthy meals. But do air fryers smell up the house? Let’s find out in this article. These machines work on convection heating concept, and use hot air re-circulating in their

Do Air Fryers Smell Up The House? 3 Reason’s It Can! Read More »

can you stack two things at once in an air fryer

Can you cook two things at once in an air fryer? 3 Interesting Thoughts!

An air fryer can undoubtedly make your life easier and healthier. But a lot of people wonder, if you can cook two things at once in an air fryer ? Not only that, it can allow you to reduce your monthly grocery bills as well. Your consumption of oil can reduce drastically. However, there are a few myths surrounding

Can you cook two things at once in an air fryer? 3 Interesting Thoughts! Read More »